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International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A (2023)

Study of Doppler Velocimetry abnormalities in term low risk pregnancies with borderline amniotic fluid index


Dr. M Vijayasree


Amniotic fluid is an indicator of normal placental function. Normal range is 5-24 cm. Less than 5 cm is considered oligohydramnios which is Associated with perinatal complications. Doppler study of umbilical artery is an independent predictor of perinatal outcomes. Combining Doppler study and amniotic fluid index can give better overview of management of borderline AFI i.e., 5-8 cm.

Objectives: 1. To study Doppler velocimetric abnormalities in term low risk pregnancies with borderline "AFI". 2. To study perinatal outcome in such women.

Methods: After taking written informed consent, 100 women were selected who fulfilled the eligibility criteria. They were subjected to USG and AFI was measured and umbilical artery Doppler and velocimetric changes and perinatal outcomes were analysed.

Results: Out of the 100 women selected, 87 underwent Caesarean section, 10 delivered vaginally and 3 underwent instrumental delivery, 29 in caesarean section group and 2 in outlet forceps group had fetal distress respectively. Doppler abnormalities were seen in 5 women, non-reassuring NST in 9 women.16 babies were admitted in NICU for a varying period.27 babies were LBW out of which 2 were Fetal Growth Restriction. Respiratory distress was noted in 6 babies, however 5’ APGAR was > 7 in all of them and there was no perinatal mortality.

Conclusion: In the present study it was noted that Caesarean section rates were high in Women with borderline AFI, It was also found to be associated with adverse perinatal outcomes and abnormal umbilical artery Doppler. However perinatal mortality did not show any adverse association with borderline AFI.

Pages: 01-04  |  639 Views  195 Downloads

International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
How to cite this article:
Dr. M Vijayasree. Study of Doppler Velocimetry abnormalities in term low risk pregnancies with borderline amniotic fluid index. Int. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 2023;5(1):01-04. DOI: 10.33545/26648334.2023.v5.i1a.29
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International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology